Brown Ivory
Common Names:
Scientific Name:
Availability on Catapu:
Brown Ivory, N'tacha
Berchemia discolor
Commercially available in large volumes, can be supplied in planks, turnings and turning blanks
Usually a well shaped tree, 7 to 20 m in height, occurring at low altitude open dry woodlands.
Source - Tress of Southern Africa - Keith Coates Palgrave and Meg Coates Palgrave
The wood is a red brown which is faintly pink tinged, occasionally with a blackish streak. The texture is medium to fine and even. It weighs 975Kg/m3 with the SG at 12%. It sandpapers well and takes varnishes and oils well. It is a hard timber with an attractive grain but turns well and produces a good finish. Tool must be kept sharp. Also used for furniture.