Brown Ivory

Common Names:

Scientific Name:

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Brown Ivory, N'tacha

Berchemia discolor

Commercially available in large volumes, can be supplied in planks, turnings and turning blanks

Usually a well shaped tree, 7 to 20 m in height, occurring at low altitude open dry woodlands.

Source - Tress of Southern Africa - Keith Coates Palgrave and Meg Coates Palgrave

The wood is a red brown which is faintly pink tinged, occasionally with a blackish streak. The texture is medium to fine and even. It weighs 975Kg/m3 with the SG at 12%. It sandpapers well and takes varnishes and  oils well. It is a hard timber with an attractive grain but turns well and produces a good finish. Tool must be kept sharp. Also used for furniture.

Brown Ivory tree

Brown Ivory tree

Herbarium sample

Herbarium sample

Wood sample

Wood sample

Brown Ivory berries

Brown Ivory berries

Brown Ivory tree

Brown Ivory tree

Brown Ivory bark

Brown Ivory bark

Brown Ivory leaves

Brown Ivory leaves

Brown Ivory bowl

Brown Ivory bowl