
Common Names:

Scientific Name:

Availability on Catapu:




Chamfuta, Chanfuta, Pod Mahogany

Afzelia quanzensis

Commercially available in small volumes, can be supplied in planks, turnings, turning blanks and furniture in limited volumes.

A medium to large spreading deciduous tree , usually 12 to 15 m in height, but reaching 35 m under ideal conditions. Occurring at low altitude  woodlands and dry forest.

Source - Tress of Southern Africa - Keith Coates Palgrave and Meg Coates Palgrave 

The light red-brown timber has a good figure oxidizing to a warm darker colour shortly after conversion, age improves appearance. Weight 770kg's/Ms with SG at 12% it is hard but sandpapers and works well and takes a fine polish using varnish or oil. An easy timber to turn.Tools need to be sharp and the timber is also used for furniture, parquet and panelling. Used to make dug out canoes in Africa and an infusion of the roots is said to provide a remedy for bilharzia.

Chamfuta tree

Chamfuta tree

Herbarium sample

Herbarium sample

wood sample

wood sample

Chamfuta flower

Chamfuta flower

Chamfuta pod

Chamfuta pod

Young Chamfuta tree

Young Chamfuta tree

Chamfuta saplings

Chamfuta saplings

Chamfuta Seeds

Chamfuta Seeds

Chamfuta tree

Chamfuta tree

Chamfuta bark

Chamfuta bark

Chamfuta leaves

Chamfuta leaves